Jolla Smartphone loaded with Salfish OS is launched in India for Rs.16499 exclusively available on Snapdeal. Jolly smartphone is capable of running Android Apps. Jolla has 4.5 Inch qHD with Corning Gorilla Glass, t is powered by 1.4 GHz Dualcore Qualcomm Snapdragon processor along with 1 GB RAM.
Specifications of Jolla Smartphone
Specifications of Jolla Smartphone
- Display: 4.5 Inch qHD
- OS: Sailfish OS
- Processor: 1.4 GHz Dualcore Qualcomm Snapdragon
- RAM: 1GB
- 16GB internal, microSD supported
- Sensors: Proximity, Accelerometer, Gyro, E Compass, Light
- Primary camera: 8 MP
- LED flash support
- Front Camera: 2 MP
- 2100mAh
Jolla Smartphone specifications and price India, Buy online Jolla Smartphone flipkart, snapdeal, Jolla Smartphone Amazon Shopping online, offers on Jolla Salfish Android Smartphone snapdeal discounts, buy Jolla Smartphone Rs.15000, Rs.12000
Jolla Smartphone specifications and price India, Buy online Jolla Smartphone flipkart, snapdeal, Jolla Smartphone Amazon Shopping online, offers on Jolla Salfish Android Smartphone snapdeal discounts, buy Jolla Smartphone Rs.15000, Rs.12000