HTC Desire 816G versus HTC Desire 816 specifications and features comparison. Compare price of HTC Desire 816and HTC Desire 816G in all features and price.
compare Desire 816 with desire 816G.Comparison HTC Desire 816G with Desire 816
Specifications | HTC Desire 816G | HTC Desire 816 |
Display | 5.5 inch, HD720 |
5.5 inch HD
RAM | 1 GB | 1.5 GB |
Processor | 1.3 GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon | 1.6 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400, Quad Core |
OS | Android Kitkat 4.4 | Android |
SIM | Dual Sim | Dual Sim |
Primary Camera | 13 MP | 13 MP |
Secondary Camera | 5 MP | 5 MP |
Flash Support | Yes | Yes |
Memory | 8 GB internal + micro SD upto 32GB | 8GB internal + micro SD upto 32GB |
Battery | 2600 mAh | 2600mAh |
Price and Purchase | Rs.18900 |
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